informal science

valeria manna, modified 13 Years ago.

informal science

Moderator=regular-role:Message Boards Administrator Community member Posts: 29 Join Date: 8/30/11 Recent Posts
Are informal activities significant as well as planning lessons?
Here is a link about informal education
Dora Metow, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: informal science

Community member Posts: 15 Join Date: 1/8/12 Recent Posts
Valeria, I believe they are. COnferences, Seminars, etc. are all valuable resources to get students (and parent and even grandparents!) interested in Science, don't you think?
Dora Metow, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: informal science

Community member Posts: 15 Join Date: 1/8/12 Recent Posts
Furthermore, it would be interesting to discuss the differences among formal education, non formal education and informal education. In Science, in particular, one would like to know where misconceptions, for instance, arise fundamentally, is it from no-formal educational environments? Is it from our science classes?

I read recently that not only misconceptions are difficult to change, but that they fluctuate, and students change a fraction of their beliefs from time to time.

Do you know of any study of Inquiry Based methods and change of students misconceptions in Science?
Peter Zwaveg, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: informal science

Community member Posts: 20 Join Date: 1/8/12 Recent Posts
And I also believe that competitios like the one just annonced by Google, a Science Fair

are excellent opportunities to do curricular or extra-curricuar projects with our students.
I am sure that many EU projects where EUN participates or participated in the past, include such competitions nd I assume they are quite motivating for our students.
valeria manna, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: informal science

Moderator=regular-role:Message Boards Administrator Community member Posts: 29 Join Date: 8/30/11 Recent Posts
Hi Nora and Peter,

Definitively, science events, fairs and activities, give a strong contribute to involve students and generic public in science.

I found this interesting paper about informal science education.