Lauri Vihma, modified 13 Years ago.


Community member Post: 1 Join Date: 8/1/11 Recent Posts
I would like to inform all of you about the POGIL approach to MST education. It is an acronym for Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning. It originated in American college chemistry departments during 1990s.


This is just one possibility of IBMSTE.
Àgueda Gras-Velázquez, modified 13 Years ago.


Moderator=regular-role:Message Boards Administrator Community member Posts: 9 Join Date: 8/6/10 Recent Posts
Interesting people at POGIL. I like the quote they have: "Knowledge is personal. Students enjoy themselves more and develop greater ownership over material when given the opportunity to construct their own understanding." It is not true only in the case of students. I think once of the successes of Spice has been that the Spice teachers were the owners of the materials and, at the end of the day, the project itself".

At the same time, it says:
"Students who are part of an interactive community are more likely to be successful." and "Learning is not a solitary task"

So knowledge might be personal but learning is done better in communities...
Andreu Català, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: POGIL and Spice Webinars

Community member Posts: 14 Join Date: 1/9/12 Recent Posts
A very good link!! In POGIL they offer Webinars, for example...

HSPI Webinar: Course Structure and Alignment with Standards
Thu 02/16/12
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Lancaster, PA 1 Day Public Presentation This webinar will cover how POGIL activities can fit within your overall course structure.

Are there plans about webinars in the Spice community?
Àgueda Gras-Velázquez, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: POGIL and Spice Webinars

Moderator=regular-role:Message Boards Administrator Community member Posts: 9 Join Date: 8/6/10 Recent Posts
Hi Andreu,
welcome to the Spice communities. Thanks for your active participation these last few days!

Unfortunately the Spice project ended and no webinars will be organized. But chats will be set up in the framework of the inGenious project (which you can find under Projects in the Scientix portal too!). When inGenious sets the calendar of chats, we'll announce it here as well and you will be able to join.

PS. Als forums de Scientix es pot emprar qualsevol llengua, aixi que no dubtes en emprar el catala com demanaves en un altre post emoticon Animem als mestres a comunicar-se en qualsevol llengua i emprar Google translate o semblant per entendre el que diuen els altres!
Albert Simago, modified 12 Years ago.

RE: POGIL and Spice Webinars

Community member Posts: 12 Join Date: 1/8/12 Recent Posts
Àgueda Gras-Velázquez:
Hi Andreu,
welcome to the Spice communities. Thanks for your active participation these last few days!

Unfortunately the Spice project ended and no webinars will be organized. But chats will be set up in the framework of the inGenious project (which you can find under Projects in the Scientix portal too!). When inGenious sets the calendar of chats, we'll announce it here as well and you will be able to join.

PS. Als forums de Scientix es pot emprar qualsevol llengua, aixi que no dubtes en emprar el catala com demanaves en un altre post emoticon Animem als mestres a comunicar-se en qualsevol llengua i emprar Google translate o semblant per entendre el que diuen els altres!

Hi Àgueda
I find it interesting that fora are supplemented with chats and other types of online activities.
I'll keep looking for the new events of this kind.
Andreu Català, modified 12 Years ago.

RE: POGIL and Spice Webinars

Community member Posts: 14 Join Date: 1/9/12 Recent Posts
Àgueda Gras-Velázquez:
Hi Andreu,
PS. Als forums de Scientix es pot emprar qualsevol llengua, aixi que no dubtes en emprar el catala com demanaves en un altre post emoticon Animem als mestres a comunicar-se en qualsevol llengua i emprar Google translate o semblant per entendre el que diuen els altres!

Moltes gràcies, Àgueda! No sabia que es podia fer servir qualsevol idioma en aquests fòrums.
Per altra banda, trobo aquesta iniciativa de les comunitats de pràctica ben interessant i espero que es mantingui i creixi en el temps, tant en continguts com en nombre de participants!!!!