Scientix Community

Scientix STEM Alliance

STEM Alliance

The Scientix STEM Alliance, coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN), the network of 30+ Ministries of Education (MoEs) in Europe, brings together industries, education stakeholders and Ministries of Education to promote STEM jobs attractiveness across industries, fosters innovation in STEM teaching at all education levels, and ensures a skilled STEM workforce to enhance companies' competitiveness.


Partner Projects

Partner Projects

The STE(A)M Partnerships programme of Scientix promotes the collaboration between several organisations to develop research and testing initiatives for new approaches for creative and innovative science, technology, engineering and maths teaching and learning opportunities connected to existing national practices. These new approaches are tested locally, nationally or internationally.


Scientix Ambassadors

Scientix Ambassadors

The Scientix Ambassadors – members of our Teacher Panel – promote and inform about Scientix to their peers - science and mathematics teachers across Europe. They present Scientix in schools and national teachers associations, on conferences and workshops, and can advise teachers how to get involved in European collaboration in STEM. They also assist in developing and testing various tools and services of Scientix and ensure the pedagogical quality of the Scientix repository.

Networking events for Science Education projects

Scientix Networking Events

These networking events for science education projects bring together project coordinators, managers and other representatives, from European and national science education projects and organisations involved in STEM education. The aim of these events is at sharing and exchanging experiences from projects, present their work, and to facilitate the creation of new collaboration and partnerships. Each of those events is centred on a specific topic or challenge faced by those projects.

Discussion forum

Online Discussion Forum

Join discussions about the latest initiatives in science education! On the Scientix fora there are separate discussions for each project and each country. New discussion categories can be created upon request.

The fora are open to everyone; however, it is necessary to register on the Scientix portal in order to participate in the discussions. To send a new post, select a category of your choice and click the “Post new thread” button. You can write in any language.

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Scientix Blog

Scientix Blog

The Scientix blog is designed as a space for people and projects involved in the Scientix network to publish personal stories on current science education topics in Europe. While representatives of European Schoolnet, Scientix Ambassador Reporters and Scientix Ambassador Volunteers are main contributors to the blog, all other members of the Scientix community (i.e. anybody involved in STEM education in the world) – who are eager to share their experience with Scientix - are encouraged to participate.

The Scientix blog features a range of different items, from coverage of Scientix events to opinions and commentaries on the state-of-the-play in STEM education research and practice, including news series or publication reviews.

The opinions of the articles published in the Scientix blog are the sole responsibility of the corresponding authors and they do not represent the opinion of the European Commission, European Schoolnet (EUN) or Scientix.

If you wish to contribute to this blog, please contact us at scientix (at)

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