For more information on the 2025 STEM Discovery Campaign (SDC25) click on the frequently asked questions below.



How do I log in to the SDC app or the Scientix portal?

To submit your activities, you need an account on Log in the STEM Discovery (SDC) application or the Scientix portal with the EUN ID credentials (username and password) that you use to access the Scientix portal. In case you do not have such credentials, go to to create an account.

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What are EUN ID credentials? How can I get them?

If you do not have EUN ID credentials, you need to register at the Scientix portal and obtain them. To register at the Scientix portal, you will need to fill in the registration form by providing your full name and email address and choosing a username and password for the portal. The username and password will represent your EUN ID credentials that you will need to log into the portal and the STEM Discovery Application.

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How do I pin activities to the Map via the SDC app?

In order to submit activities to the SDC map you need to fill in the submission form located on the navigation panel at the top of the screen (see Fig. 1). To access the form, you need to be logged in to the SDC App.

Fig. 1: Submission Form

You have two options to access the submission form:

  • Option 1
    If you are not logged in to the app when you click on the submission form icon (see Fig. 1), you will be taken to a ‘Log in’ page (see Fig. 2). On this page you need to enter your username and password. When you are logged in, you will be redirected to the map. Clicking on the submission form icon takes you to the form (see Fig. 3)


Fig 2: Log-in page Fig. 3: Submission form


  • Option 2
    You can access the Log in page by clicking on the menu icon on the navigation panel (first icon on the right, see Fig. 4). When you click on this icon a new page will appear. At the bottom of that page you can find a ‘Log in’ button (Fig. 5), which takes you to the ‘Log in’ page (see Fig. 2). There, you enter your username and password. When you are logged in, you will be redirected to the map. Clicking on the submission form icon takes you to the form (see Fig. 3).



Fig. 4: Menu icon

  Fig. 5: Menu page

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How do I pin activities to the map via the Scientix portal?

You can submit activities to the SDC Map by filling in the submission form on the STEM Discovery Campaign website. Log in to the Scientix portal and click on “My activities” (Fig. 6), then on “Submit activity” (Fig. 7). Fill in the form with the requested information.

Fig. 6: “My activities” field Fig. 7: “Submit activity” field

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How do I fill in the submission form?

To fill in the submission form you should follow the instructions provided on the questions. You should always provide your email address and consent to the Terms and Conditions of the STEM Discovery Campaign. Find below information on how the rest of the fields of the Submission form should be filled in.

  • Category: From the list, select the category that best describe your submitted entry.
  • Topic: From the list, select 1 or more topics that is covered by your entry.
  • Title: Write the title of the activity, the event, the training, the learning scenario, the story of implementation etc. that you submit.
  • Description: Write a description of your activity in as much detail as possible, so other participants could recreate your activity. Mention all the relevant information, for example: if you implemented the activity with colleagues (mention their names), target group, how did the implementation process go, materials used (add links when possible), reactions, what you learned…
  • Country: Select from the drop-down menu the country where the event or training course took place. If they were online, select the country of the organization. If you submit other entries, a learning scenario, a story of implementation or other educational materials, select the country of the organization.
  • Town: Write the town where the event or training course took place. If they were online, write the town of the organization. If you submit other entries, a learning scenario, a story of implementation or other educational materials, write the town of the organization.
  • Address: Write the address where the event or training course took place. If they were online, write the address of the organization. If you submit other entries, a learning scenario, a story of implementation or other educational materials, write the address of the organization.
  • Age group: Select from the drop-down menu the target group of the event or the training course. If you submit other entries, a learning scenario, a story of implementation or other educational materials select the age of the students/participants of this educational activity.
  • Start date/ End date: Select the date that the event or the training course took place. If you submit other entries, a learning scenario, or other educational materials, select the date of submission and in the case of the story of implementation select the implementation date.
  • Language: Select from the drop-down menu the language of the entry you submit.
  • Organisation: In the case of events and trainings, write the name of the organizer. If you are the organizer, write your full name. In the case of other entries, learning scenarios, stories of implementation or other educational materials write the name of the school/organization that you work for or you were last employed at.
  • Website: If you submit educational resources, such as a learning scenario or a story of implementation, add the link to the respective educational resource. If it is an event, add the link to the organization.
  • Image (Max. 12MB)(optional): Add the poster of the event or the training course, or a screenshot from the educational materials you submit.
  • Total number of participants (optional): Write the total number of participants of the activity you submit.
  • Total number of students (optional): Write the total number of students that participated in the activity you submit.
  • Total number of teachers (optional): Write the total number of teachers that participated in the activity you submit.

Check out some examples here.

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How do I participate in an SDC25 award?

To participate in the Scientix Awards Follow these steps:

  • Log in to the STEM Discovery Campaign App or Scientix Platform with your EUN username and password.
  • Fill in the submission form which you can do in two ways:
    • Either, on the Scientix web portal by clicking the 'My activities' button on the top right corner of all STEM Discovery Campaign pages. Then click on 'Submit activity' and fill in the information. 
    • Or you can download the STEM Discovery App from the mobile app store of your choice. Sign in with your Scientix username, then click on the blue circle with the arrow on the top right corner and fill in the information as instructed. 
  • Click ‘I agree’ to the statement: ‘I agree for my entry to be considered for the Scientix Awards.’
  • NOTE: If you implement the activity with your colleagues, indicate their names in the ’Description’ section of the Submission Form.

Scientix Awards will take into account the information provided in the description of the activity in the Submission Form, as well as any additional information linked in the description or the ‘Website’ question, such as:

  • a more detailed ‘Story of Implementation' (using this or any other template),
  • a full new ‘Learning Scenario’ (any available template), or anything else. 

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Where can I find more information about the SDC25?

Find more information about the STEM Discovery Campaign (SDC) on the website and in the Terms and Conditions of the Campaign. If you cannot find the information you need, contact the SDC team at with following subject: STEM Discovery Campaign 2025.

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